Article data in English (انگلیسی)
The Limitations of Corporate Banking and Necessity of an Institutionalized Separation of Financing Performance for Reforming of Islamic Banking System
Hassan Sobhani / Professor of Economics, Tehran's University sobhanihs@ut.ac.ir
Mansor Maleki / PhD Student of Economics, Tehran University maleki.m@ut.ac.ir
Received: 2014/05/07- Accepted: 2014/09/11
The experience of the Islamic banking system for more than three decades indicates that there are structural and institutional limitations for Islamic banking system for achieving to the primary aims sought by the designers of this pattern. About donning corporate banking, putting heavy emphasis on reciprocative contracts, increases in the scale of delayed claims in banking system which represents the institutionalized relationship of creditor and indebted with the bank and the receivers of credits(facilities) are among the criticisms and deficiencies directed to the standard of performance of Islamic banking system. In the past decades, new approaches were developed, such as banking model with full storages and narrow (fractional) banking model for reformation of standard banking system. According to the proposition of this paper, the above approaches and eligible model of Islamic banking system which represents an achievement of real corporate banking system have common characteristics. The findings show that it is possible to reforming the model of interest free-banking in Iran, considering the banking doctrines with full storage and retail banking model.
Key words: Islamic banking, corporate banking, Narrow Banking, banking with full storage, retail banking.
JEL: G24، P4.
Theoretical Analysis of the Effect
of Creation of Credit during Financial Crisis
Mohammad Vae'z Barzani/ Associate Professor of Economics, Esfahan University
Behnam Ebrahimi/ PhD student of economic sciences, Esfahan University bizbehnam@yahoo.com
Received: 2014/04/20- Accepted: 2014/08/30
The occurrence of financial crisis between 2007-2009 is one of the most important economic events in the past decade. The main streams of economic thought (keynesian and Neoclassical) have developed different theories by resting upon their own intellectual school's principles. Because of their disregard of the institutional considerations of economic system, such as the role of creation of these studies validity, are not able to explain the main roots of crisis. This paper sees the creation of credit in a standard banking system has a basic role in creating a financial crisis. For evaluating this claim, first, the kinds of financial crisis are made known, and then the effect of the process of creating credit on the formation of financial circles is discussed. The theoretical model which is used is an economic growth model concerned with financial intermediaries (banks), which is established by means of adding monetary and banking sectors to Frank Ramzi's economic growth model. This model has been explicitly through optimum control theory solved and the dynamics of business trades and financial crisis will be explored. The research findings indicate that credit creation and unreal values are the main reasons of financial crisis. Therefore, the prerequisite for overcoming a financial crisis is the reliance of financial system on real values: an issue which is observed by Islamic banking.
Key words: financial crisis, financial circles, credit creation, commercial and shadow banking system, Unreal values.
JEL: G01، O42، P4.
Recognition and Prioritization of the Potential Techniques of Financing the housing Sector in the Money Market of Iran
Mohammad Javad Mohaghegh Niya/ Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Allamah Tabatabai
Maysam Ahmadvand / PhD Student of Financial Management, University of Allamah Tabatabai
Hossaein Tamaluki/ PhD Student of Financial Management, University of Allamah Tabatabai
Received: 2014/05/01- Accepted: 2014/09/05 h.tamalloki@gmail.com
In recent years the different methods for financing the housing sector in Islamic banking are identified. This paper investigates the common Techniques of Islamic housing finance in Iran and prioritizing them. The hypothesis of the paper is that from among the six methods of Islamic housing finance including Morabehe, Renting with option to buy, Tavaruq, Buy on credit, Estesna'e Muvazi and Reduced Participation, the last one is more compatible with Islamic banking doctrines. The investigation of this claim is centered on experts' view, use of the methods of multi-standard decision-making methods and prioritization of finance methods based on chosen standards; legal-lawful, financial, jurisprudential and public. The research findings show that Islamic banks have, for many years, designed and performed different finance methods, which are almost similar to the traditional and common techniques. Among the lack of investment and finance by means of profit and loss sharing in Islamic financial system, Islamic banking restored to using rather new financial means, under the name of reduceed Participation which is rarely used. The experts' views about housing finance show that the technique of Reduced participation is highly compatible with the aims and standards of Islamic finance.
Key words: Housing Finance, Reduced Participation, Methods of Multi-standard decision-taking, Tavaruq, Buy on credit, Estesna'e Muvazi, Renting with the option to buy.
JEL: G24, G21, P4.
The Mechanism of Social Security in Islamic Approach
Sayeed Reza Hosseini / Assistant Professor of Economics, Research Center of Hawzah and University
Received: 2014/04/10 - Accepted: 2014/08/22 srhoseini@rihu.ac.ir
Social security is one of the major topics of current economic systems. In most developed countries between one forth to one third of national gross output and major part of government's budget is allocated to this affair. However, current models of social security which mainly developed in the context of ideological bases and the historical conditions of capitalistic societies, have confronted many problems such as ensuring financial resources. Using an analysis-descriptive method, this paper seeks to investigate the characteristics of excellent model Islamic social security in contrast with the current models of social security. According to the proposition of paper, achieving the aims of social security proposed by Islamic approaches primarily depends on the justice of economic system and preventing the challenges which pave the way for the interference of social security organizations. The responsibility of current cases under the authority of social security systems, is shouldered by not only government but all people and individuals, as well. The findings show that the Islamic approach to social security can be achieved by using triple mechanism: private preparation, public support and government, each of which has different existential philosophy. The success of social security system and its financial stability depends on placing each of these three in its proper position and suitable function of them in relation with one another.
Key words: social security, social justice, Islamic economy, comparative approach.
JEL: H55،D63، P4.
An Analysis of the Islamic Moral Concepts Incompatible with the Framework of Conventional Economics and Its Economic Functions
Ali ma'sumi Niya/ Assistant Professor of Economics, University of economic sciences
Naser Yar Mohammadiyan/ PhD Student of Economy, University of economic sciences
Received: 2014/01/16- Accepted: 2014/05/21
One of the aims of morals is training people so that they may automatically respect the rights of one another without the need of legal obligation. Using an analysis-descriptive method, this paper investigates the economic moral concepts in Islam and its function in economic system. This paper supposed that the extension of Islamic morality contributes to the formation of balances which are on an upper level of the condition of balance which is based on self-interest. The findings of paper show that, such Islamic teachings, like: paying attention to science, recommendation for rationality, encouragement to work, optimum use of facilities, avoiding a waste of resources, proper performance of duties are recommended in capitalism. Contrarily, such doctrines like recommendation for asceticism, denouncing worldliness, denouncing stinginess and extravagance, contentment, helping others, and pre-destined provision are characteristic of economic system in Islam. This shows the distinction between the system of economic morals in Islam and that of capitalism. The moral principles in Islam which contribute to self-refinement of individuals and spiritual promotion of man lead to a decrease in transaction cost, an increase in social capital, increase in perspicuity in the market and increase in efficiency. The result of this is reducing the consequences resulting from the originality, of individual’s benefit and confronting the market failure by generating motivation in people.
Key words: economic morals in Islam, functions of economic morals, transaction cost, social capital, market perspicuity, market failure.
JEL: B49، P48، P4.
Financial Resources and the Standards
of Budget Allocation in Islamic Government
Mohammad Jamal Khaliliyan Ashkzari/ Associate Professor of Economics, IKI mg_khalil41@yahoo.com
Mohammad Hadi Azadi/ PhD Student of Justice University
Received: 2014/03/03- Accepted: 2014/07/13
Nowadays, all annual policies, aims and programs of governmental system are shown in the form of budget. This specifies the importance of the shar’i and rational standards the optimum budget allocation of Islamic government. Using a fiqhi inference method, the paper seeks to bring out the standards of allocating financial resource in Islamic government. The paper's supposition is that the budget allocation of Islamic government should be based on such standards, like: need, work, expediency, efficiency and justice. The findings of the paper show that the allocation of any current and development budget has its own specific standards. In most cases, the standards of current budget allocation are work and need. Development budgets should also be allocated on the basis of such standards, like; need, efficiency and expediency. Furthermore, the standard of justice covers all kinds of bayt al-mal(treasury) distribution and budget allocation and, according to Islam, observing it is the main provision of their optimum allocation. One of the main issues related to this question is prioritization of standards in case of occurrance of conflict in budget allocation. Here, we can refer to such cases like the preference of justice over efficiency and priority of social interests over personal interests.
Key words: the treasury, financial resources, expenditures of the treasury, Islamic government budget, standard of budget allocation.
JEL: H61، H72، P4.
A Conceptual Review of Resistance Economics
Sajjad Sayflu/ PhD Student of management of international oil and gas contracts, University of Imam Sadiq
Received: 2014/05/05- Accepted: 2014/09/09 seiflou@isu.ac.ir
In recent years the new term ''Resistance Economics'' was added to the economic literature of the country. In Shahrivar 1389, this term was first propounded by the supreme leader. Although, the general policy of resistance economy was announced at the end of the year of 1392 and in his later speeches, the leader clarified this concept, no written format was provided presented a compiled for the explanation of resistance economy, so far. This paper tries, through the classification in economics to make clear what resistance economy means by recognizing its status in the paradigm of economics, using an analytical approach to expound the discourse of the supreme leader’s speeches and logical analysis. Due to the fact that different systems of classification are used in economics, only the system that closely corresponds with the sudden idea about "Resistance Economics" is taken in consideration. The paper's hypothesis is that resistance economy is an economic strategy which corresponds with the concept '' economic resilience' used in classical literature and it is concerned with active resistance –making of economy. The findings show that resistance economy, according to the speeches of the supreme leader, represents the best explanation in the form of an economic strategy which is neither temporary nor passive.
Key words: resistance economy, economic resistance-making, economic vulnerability, Resilience, economic Resilience.
JEL: O1, O10, O5, P4.